For many organizations, 2021 is a make it or break it year.
"Overwhelming" might be the right word to describe how many HR teams feel as they restructure and help their leaders succeed.
After all, the disruptions of the past year have made strong leadership more important than ever.
Here is something we recently heard from an HR Director that may resonate with you:
"We have great leaders running this company. They've been working here for many years. But we struggle when it comes to identifying that overarching leadership vision that moves our organization. Even when we try identifying the traits that we want our leaders to have, we aren't sure how to measure or develop them... we just don't have the time."
Looking at the Bigger Picture...
With such a strain on HR, strategic process improvements might take a back seat. But tackling your leadership management challenges doesn't have to be a major drain on resources -- with the right content and processes in place.
Here's a tip to help orient your thinking on this topic: step back and take a holistic view of your current leadership.
From our experience, there are 3 key facets that modern organizations look for in a great leader:
- How they impact others;
- How they achieve business results;
- Their underlying personal attributes.
... And breaking it down again
To be sure, a leader's technical abilities and past experience play a role in their capacity to drive business results.
But thinking holistically, a leader’s soft skills—their ability to energize and inspire those around them—are an integral part of their value to the organization.
A great leader acts as both a catalyst and a compass, igniting transformative performance across the organization and ensuring that everyone sees the way forward.
Identifying the people who possess those vital qualities and nurturing their unique potential
is essential to sustainable success for the organization.
But... how do you measure things like inspiration, vision, and compassion?
Competencies provide the key
Leadership competencies turn the abstract into the concrete.
They translate those hard-to-pin-down leadership qualities into observable and measurable behaviors, bringing increased consistency, clarity, and rigor to the process of identifying and nurturing leaders. In simple terms, competencies define the behaviors required to achieve success in a specific role.
When applied in a leadership context, they help to define the ideal behaviors, identify areas for
further development, and help leaders see the path to optimal performance.
And using competencies that capture the essence of these 3 facets in behavioral terms creates an integrated, well-rounded framework that not only represents the right leaders for today, but also represents a more complete and identifiable profile for future leaders in your organization.
How to get started
If you’re tasked with identifying and nurturing transformative leadership talent within your
organization, HRSG can help.
By packaging over 30 years of experience helping organizations define their leadership competencies and see results quickly, we've built a results-driven solution designed to get you started quickly and help you unlock your future leaders.
We help you develop and hire your next generation of leaders.
Get award winning competency experts to select and align key leadership competencies to help you improve performance and plan succession.
Get started with our Leadership Competencies Accelerator Package here → to start on your journey to competency-driven leadership today.

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