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These were the top-of-mind topics for HR in 2022

Written by HRSG Team | Dec 14, 2022 4:20:19 PM

Article table of contents (jump to section):

  1. Do You Have Questions About Competencies?
  2. What's the Difference Between Skills and Competencies?
  3. The Difference Between Core Competencies and Values
  4. Competency-Based Job Descriptions: How to Build Them Correctly
  5. Competency Technology: 7 Key Considerations for HR Teams
  6. Competencies: The Building Blocks for Career Mobility
  7. Employee-Centric Career Development - Key to Attract and Retain Talent
  8. 3 Things HR Can Do to Mitigate the Impact of Layoffs
  9. Talent Management Needs to Be Strategic. Here's What That Looks Like.
  10. The Business Case for Competencies

This has been an unusually eventful year for HR managers. Talent trends included “The Great Resignation” AND a massive wave of layoffs that affected many industries. In this blog post, we round up the most popular posts of the year on the HRSG website.


Do You Have Questions About Competencies?

Based on the popularity of this blog post published in January 2022, the answer to this question is a resounding "yes"!

The post provided short answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about competencies, including, " How are competencies used in development?" "What is a competency model?" and "What is competency-based management?"

"Competency-based management is an HR approach that uses competencies to drive the entire talent lifecycle, including hiring, assessment, development, and retention."


What's the Difference Between Skills and Competencies?

This in-depth blog post is an excellent introduction to a topic that is a point of confusion for many HR managers (even those with extensive experience in the field). The post provides basic definitions and comparisons of both HR tools and provides examples of different types of competencies. For further insights into how skills and competencies are used to define, identify, and develop talent, read the latest blog post on this topic, which was updated in 2022.

"In some ways, a skill and a competency are similar. But the two concepts are quite different in terms of the function they perform within the talent-management process."


The Difference Between Core Competencies and Values

Core competencies and values are another area of confusion for some HR managers. While the two concepts are closely related, there is a difference, and this blog post looks at what those differences are and how core competencies and values can be used side by side to define and support organizational culture.

"Values are what are important to the organization, and competencies are the tools that support that."


Competency-Based Job Descriptions: How to Build Them Correctly

Competencies are helping organizations transform job descriptions from static, outdated documents to dynamic tools that drive the entire talent lifecycle. This blog post looks at how to build a job description using competencies and includes links to examples of a competency-based job description and a competency-based interview guide.

"Competency based job descriptions add a layer of consistency and standardization to your traditional job description."


Competency Technology: 7 Key Considerations for HR Teams

As the number of organizations that use competencies continues to grow, more HR teams are actively exploring technologies that can help them build competency profiles and apply them to key talent activities, such as recruitment, assessment, and development. This blog post offers tips to help HR ask the right questions and focus on the right capabilities during the evaluation process.

"While many talent-management platforms can technically accommodate competencies, few are built specifically to support competency-based management."


Competencies: The Building Blocks for Career Mobility

This year has seen HR managers scrambling to navigate one of the tightest talent markets in decades. In addition to revving up efforts to attract and hire talent, HR focused on improving career mobility as a way to do more with the talent the organization already has on staff.

This blog post looked at how to use competencies to strengthen career mobility and leverage organizational talent more effectively.

"Competencies can enable a lattice approach to career mobility in your organization by providing the common currency that connects jobs across the organization and provides paths to both vertical and lateral career opportunities."


Employee-Centric Career Development - Key to Attract and Retain Talent

Development was a big area of focus for HR managers in 2022. As workplace priorities shifted, perks such as gourmet snacks and on-site massages lost their appeal, while those that support employee career goals became highly valued. This blog post examines the phenomenon and shares the five principles that guide the creation of effective, employee-centric development programs.

"Building a career development structure makes it almost 4X more likely that an organization will see increased employee retention."


3 Things HR Can Do to Mitigate the Impact of Layoffs

Laying off good people is one of the toughest jobs for HR, and in the latter part of 2022, mass layoffs in many industries—including tech, finance, and retail—were front-page news. This blog post explored ways to mitigate the negative impact of layoffs on productivity and culture.

"The workforce may shrink, but the organizational goals and expectations do not, which means HR needs to find ways of redistributing, upskilling, reskilling, and optimizing the organization's talent quickly and efficiently."


Talent Management Needs to Be Strategic. Here's What That Looks Like.

A strategic approach is critical in good economic times and bad, but it's especially critical as resources grow more limited. When you implement a strategic approach to talent management, you can focus on the areas where small improvements will have the biggest impact on organizational outcomes. This blog post lays out the key components of strategic talent management and the key capabilities every HR manager needs to execute it successfully.

"When you start to see HR as a function that exists to align talent in support of organizational goals, one of the most important questions becomes: 'What human capabilities does the organization need to support those goals?'"


The Business Case for Competencies

At a time when budgets are under intense scrutiny, every HR manager needs to be able to defend their talent management decisions with a clear business case. This blog post examines the impact of competency-based talent on the business metrics that matter most.

"Organizations that use competencies have a 92% greater ability to respond to changing economic conditions, a 144% greater ability to plan for future workforce needs."