HRSG Resource Hub

Realizing Human Potential In The Digital Age

Written by Caitlin Leishman | Dec 27, 2017 5:23:00 PM

It’s hard to miss the rapid technological advances that are sweeping the modern world today.

Technology is revolutionizing the workforce, particularly in the HR field. New software and digital capabilities means less tedious manual processes, more data access, and greater productivity. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way the working world functions by allowing employees to pursue more ambitious ideas.

However, while some are concerned that technology will reduce or even replace the human function of HR; it is more likely that the digital age will lead to a new advent of human potential. Take the example of social media technology; it can help align employees with company goals and increase engagement by offering a convenient and friendly way to communicate critical ideas.

As more and more organizations realize the importance of improving the employee experience, personalization will also becoming more important. So what is personalization? Essentially it simply means offering improved technology to employees to suit their needs.  For instance, offering assistive technology to employees with disabilities.

The goal of personalization is to improve overall service to an end user, and when that user is an employee it serves to improve the employee’s experience on the job. The same revolutionizing technology tools that marketing uses to improve customer experiences can actually be used on employees.

In some ways this is already being done, such as in the case of hiring and recruitment. In a fast-changing business environment that requires an agile workforce, employees are more likely to participate in the required development programs if they are more personalized.  

Overall, increasing technological capabilities does not mean that all jobs will eventually be performed by AI, it simply means that humans will have more tools with which to realize their full potential. AI can never fully replace the human experience, and organizations that embrace how technology can help them provide a more interactive and personalized employee experience will see great success.

From mobile apps, to work from home capabilities, to wearable tech, employees will benefit from a more agile digital workplace that is accessible to everyone.

Competency software is one step companies can take wishing to offer a more personalized digital learning experience. For instance, our CompetencyCore software allows you to identify learning resources based on your specific skill gaps. This is a far more effective way of reaching your career goals than following a generalized program.

Competencies also offer increased personalization in terms of assessment, as managers will be able to provide objective feedback regarding your specific competencies. You can also provide your employees an advantage by providing them with a digital job profile through CompetencyCore, allowing them to take stock of their current qualifications and requirements.

In the future, personalized online development profiles for employees will become more common as digital advances continue.